

...to HERE!

Come check it out!

The Periodic Monologue

An odd story... A giant Chinese tortoise in the province of Jilin has been found to have an addiction to nicotine. The farmer, who smokes himself, (maybe "as well" would be a good word substitute for "himself" there) said he even occasionally shares a smoke with this turtle! Then again, it could also mean another Rolling Stones world tour is in the works!

Thanks to newsoftheweird.com for turtle story. You have allowed me to diss Keith Richards, thus boosting my self-esteem.

Funniest Movies of All-Time

According to a scientific study, a good 10 second laugh is like a solid 15 second sprint. So let's get healthy, folks! Watch some movies!

Just the rankings...no reasoning behind them will be added except for the top movie. Feel free to give your take as well

Number 20: Life Of Brian - Monty Python

Number 19:
Young Frankenstein

Number 18: There's Something About Mary

Number 17: The Princess Bride

Number 16: The Jerk

Number 15: Napoleon Dynamite

Number 14: Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

Number 13: Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Number 12: Dumb and Dumber

Number 11:
Some Like it Hot

Number 10: Raising Arizona

Number 9: Rushmore

Number 8: The Blues Brothers

Number 7: Tootsie

Number 6: Animal House

Number 5: Duck Soup

Number 4: M*A*S*H

Number 3: Blazing Saddles

Number 2: Airplane!

Number 1: ...drum roll...Monty Python and the Holy Grail

This choice may be an odd one seeing as it has always been a huge cult classic. But, for me at least, there's never been a movie that has made me laugh more. It's enduring comedy has made it funnier now than it was when I first saw it.

What'cha think?

Funny Youtube find of the week!

Because I enjoy doing things legally, I'm going to post a link to the video...not the video itself.

HERE is the link

Check it out and enjoy! Expect some videos written/produced/created/edited by me in the near future!

And most importantly, we are here to see OUR videos! We're here to see OUR funny pictures!

Let me know whenever you have something you'd like to see posted.

Welcome! You're Online!

(*Please note* The title is for the the select group of viewers in my large fanbase who are slightly disoriented)

I hope that because you are reading this, you have come here expecting to see humor, and more importantly expecting to have a good time.

My goal is to form a website where I can not only post my own funny findings and creations, but I can allow you to post yours as well! Let me know if you have something you'd like to add. After I post some of your work, if you have a blog or a website, I will put a link to it. If you give me enough things, I will even make you a writer so you can make your own posts!

Please roam the website and have a good time! Tell your friends and come back and visit us again and see our growth!